" Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being."

Monday, February 9, 2009

My only man

My husband works so hard in past days. He did not have a day off for 2 weeks straight now because he has many works to being done for our business. Two days ago, we bought another snack machine as an additional for our business but we already have 17 coca-cola vending machines that have been out and 24 bubble gum machines but only 8 were out of those gumble machines. It is just a small business but it really helps us a lot. I am just so pity for my husbands because he did not have time for us lately and I know deep in his heart it is hard for him but we all understand. We know that he loves us more than anything but he needs to work hard for our future.

I remember before, it was just all a dream for my husband to own his own business particularly in Vending industry. He already have experienced working before being a supervisor in a vending company so now he have an idea on how to run this kind of business. I am so proud of him and we love him very much. I know it is so hard for both of us that we did not see each other as often as before but we know that this will be for our future and for our kid’s future.

I ask my husband to let me help him during my day off so that it will not be too much for him and I know I can do it, just collecting the money, and refilling the product that has been out.

My husband is our super hero; he is the best man in my life. He is the reason why I am happy everyday and he brought so much joy into our lives. If again, I will be ask whom I want to spend the rest of my life with? I would answer it with a big smile and say “JOHN” only ‘til death do us part.

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