" Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Smart girl Ally..

It is pretty amazing how smart the kids are in this generation now a days. They easily catch up what an adult person does and follow what the adult doing. I have 26 months and 6 months old daugthers and my eldest daugther surprises me everyday with new stuff she does. Yesterday morning she saw me feeding her little sister with cereal then I have to put bib on her before feeding her to avoid mess in her clothes. My eldest daugther saw me and told me, "mama what are you doing? so I said I am feeding your sister then she asked what is this upon pointing the bib on her sister's neck so I said, that is bib to avoid mess on you sister's clothes then she said okay. So I thought that was it, at night while I was so busy doing the household chores I noticed that my husband was laying down in the couch with bib on his neck so I asked my husband who did that, he said it was Ally and I said oh yeah, and I've seen Ally feeding her daddy with pizza. So I asked her, what do you do Ally? she said, feeding daddy and I asked her again what did you put on his neck, she said bib because pizza too messy. I was laughing and told my self wow, how smart she is for doing that and I thought she forgot already all about it but no, she just put it on her head. Me and my husband were laughing and can't believe how are all this little ones adopt easily what the adult people doing. Now me and my husband are so careful in everything we said and done because I believe that HOME is the first school of young children and parents are their first teacher. What they've seen is what they've do. So parenst please show all good things ans be a good model to you kids.Most of the kid's behavior shows how the parents treated them and discipline them.

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