" Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Brave and strong woman

I thought at first that my problem about my family right now is really big problem and that I thought I couldnt handle it. Yesterday at work I took a break and talked to my co-worker about my problem. He was telling me that everything is okay. I thought it's a worse problem people can have until he talked to me about his own problem.

He has a long time girlfriend and have cancer. His girlfriend battle her cancer for a year now and just recently the doctor told her girlfriend that the cancer spread on her liver and she only have 2-3 months to live. When I heard that story I told myself that my problem and worries are nothing compared to them but they are very strong. Instead of spending the rest of thier time mourning and worried about whats going to happen, they spend time together having fun and do something they havent been done yet. His girlfriend even said that she still wants to continue her dream like going back to school, buy her own house until she is physically unstable. She don't want anybody to feel sorry for her. She is a very brave and strong individual. I wish everybody have the same guts and braviness.

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